Human Design 4 U

“never stop sculpturing your own Statue”


HDS Bodygraph

What is the Human Design System?

Newcomer to the Human Design and wanting to find out what it consists of? In this short introduction, get to know more about this very new “Science of your differentiation”!


HDS Origins

Origin of the Human Design System

Where does this system come from? Born in the early 90s, it is rapidly growing aroud the world; join now the nearly 5 million people having enlivened their full potential!


HDS 6 Pillars

The 6 pillars of the Human Design System

What are the Type and Strategy of your being? What is the character of your Profile? Which out of 64 are your Potentials? What inner Authority guides your decision-making process?


HDS Biography


Who are we? Having some information about us is a necessary step to build up a trusting relationship. Indeed, it is a prerequisite to know more on the coach you’ll be calling services from, before using the HDS to transform your life


HDS Credentials

Certification and qualifications

There are millions of people now using the HDS. Thousands pretend being able to read a HD chart, but few amongst them have been properly trained. See our credentials and be assured we have thoroughly investigated into the HDS

Jovian Archive

HDS Jovian Archive

The founder’s website

Jovian Archive is the website of the late Ra Uru Hu, canadian-born founder of the Human Design System (HDS). It is recognized worldwide as the english-speaking authority and inspirational source of the HDS

Products at

Book any one of the following Readings; our team will promptly contact you for getting your birth data, compulsary element in order to prepare your HD chart. Within a matter of a week, you will be receiving a mail with a link for a folder to download; in this folder, you will find the recording of the Reading and your personal HD charts.