— General and Professional
You have had your Foundation Readings done and you are enthousiastic with Human Design… Now, you want to get the knowledge of what means that “BodyGraph”? Welcome in the Human Design’s Fan Club! At this stage, you may consider to acquire the information “just for you and your friends”; perhaps later will you decide to become a HD professional. Fine! The courses of the General Education will satisfy you. humandesign4u offers these courses.
You want to become a HD professional? There is a training for that, which you can do online, here at humandesign4u! Our HD Teacher will provide you with all material and expertise; he will support your skills development so that by the end of the whole training, you feel competent and at ease with weaving the poetry of the Design.
Get to learn about the foundations of the Human Design System and dazzle your friends and colleagues by helping them understand themselves. General Education is structured so that all mysteries of the BodyGraph – core of HDS – get unravelled.
Whether you start from the very beginning or you already attended to one of these courses, humandesign4u welcomes your enthousiasm to become an inspired and empowering being for your community.
Please note that in these 3 courses, you won’t be asked for exercises, exams or homework! Practising daily your Strategy and Inner Authority is already a big achievement…
Living Your Design Course

Transforming your life
Deepening the understanding of your Type, Strategy and Inner Authority can lead you to a radical change of your existence! But more important is to get clear about the conditioning forces that you have been experiencing your entire life.
LYD course content
1. Origins of the Human Design System
2. The synthesis realized in the HDS
3. The 9 Centers: nature and description
4. The Not Self strategies of the 9 Centers
5. The 4 Types: nature and description
6. The Definitions: type, nature, splits
7. The mind: an outer authority
Price of the self-study LYD course: 220 €
Price of the online LYD course: 280 €
Pre-requisites: having received from a IHDS Certified Analyst your Overview or Foundation Reading
Required Materials: Living Your Design Manual ($49.95) – order it here
Order your self-study course
What will you get from that course
1. a deeper understanding of your own Type and Strategy
2. a view on the basics of HDS
3. a clearer comprehension of what are the 9 Centers (energy hubs inside your aura)
4. a precise picture of each Center’s functioning when open, undefined and serving the Not Self collective and personal mind
5. a deepening of the relationship between you – as soul, pure awereness – and your terrestrial human form
The self-study version of LYD brings you much comfort in terms of control in the rythm of studying. After ordering this course, you will receive a folder with the recordings of the lessons as separate files; hence, you will be able to follow each step one by one at times you wish to study.
This course empowers you to live your own true nature. It helps you to realize what is correct and serves your Uniqueness; it gives you keys to cope with what you are not – what you do not need to become. You can make use of this new transforming knowledge to understand what takes you off track on your journey.
Register to our online course
What will you get from that course
1. a deeper understanding of your own Type and Strategy
2. a view on the basics of HDS
3. a clearer comprehension of what are the 9 Centers (energy hubs inside your aura)
4. a precise picture of each Center’s functioning when open, undefined and serving the Not Self collective and personal mind
5. a deepening of the relationship between you – as soul, pure awereness – and your terrestrial human form
The online version of LYD brings you the opportunity of sharing your experiences with the group of participants. After ordering this course, you will receive all information required for you to join in the course: virtual classroom address, necessary technical materials.
This course empowers you to live your own true nature. It helps you to realize what is correct and serves your Uniqueness; it gives you keys to cope with what you are not – what you do not need to become. You can make use of this new transforming knowledge to understand what takes you off track on your journey.
Rave’s ABC Course

Learning the structures
This course explains the overall structure of the BodyGraph, so that you start navigating throughtout the complexity of human vehicles. From color-codings to the I-Ching Hexagram and circuitries, you see how perfect these human forms really are!
Rave's ABC course content
1. The color-coding: what means the red and black colors in the BodyGraph
2. Circuits & Circuitries: nature and properties
3. The structure of the 64 Hexagrammes in the I-Ching system
Price of the self-study ABC Course: 280 €
Price of the online ABC Course: 330 €
Pre-requisites: Foundation Reading, LYD Course
Required Materials: Rave ABC Student Manual ($21.95) – order it here
recommended MMI Software Student Edition ($200) – order it here
Order your self-study course
What will you get from that course
1. a beginning capacity to move yourself inside the BodyGraph
2. a vision of the energetic human structure – made of 2 separate parts, independant but influencing each other
3. a sense of a highly intelligently organized matrix, with groups of channels and sets of groups…
4. an introductory dive into the fascinating I-Ching world
5. a solid foundation in the knowledge of Human Design
The self-study version of ABC brings you much comfort in terms of control in the rythm of studying. After ordering this course, you will receive a folder with the recordings of the lessons as separate files; hence, you will be able to follow each step one by one at times you wish to study.
This course reveals key mechanisms of any human matrix: how it is organized and structured so it can operate based on the same platform for all, but at the same time way due to a unique layout; that layout is the fondamental individual blueprint which will run a person’s life throughout their whole existence.
Pricing: 280 €Click here to order
Register to our online course
What will you get from that course
1. a beginning capacity to move yourself inside the BodyGraph
2. a vision of the energetic human structure – made of 2 separate parts, independant but influencing each other
3. a sense of a highly intelligently organized matrix, with groups of channels and sets of groups…
4. an introductory dive into the fascinating I-Ching world
5. a solid foundation in the knowledge of Human Design
The online version of ABC brings you the opportunity of sharing your experiences with the group of participants. After ordering this course, you will receive all information required for you to join in the course: virtual classroom address, necessary technical materials.
This course reveals key mechanisms of any human matrix: how it is organized and structured so it can operate based on the same platform for all, but at the same time way due to a unique layout; that layout is the fondamental individual blueprint which will run a person’s life throughout their whole existence.
Rave’s Cartography Course

Deepening your vision
This course probes deep into the arcanes of the BodyGraph. Here, the knowledge provided in LYD and ABC is thoroughly completed, to solidly ground you in the understand of HDS. You will never see a being the way you did before that course.
Rave's Cartography course content
1. The 9 Centers: probing deep into their nature
2. The Not Self and its 9 strategies
3. The Definitions: detailed looking into their properties
4. The Inner Authority: which Centers act as inner guidance
5. The 3 Angles of the 12 Profiles
Price of the self-study Cartography course: 550 €
Price of the online Cartography course: 600 €
Pre-requisites: Foundation Reading, LYD Course, Rave’s ABC Course
Required Materials: Rave Cartography Student Manuals, Volume 1 ($91.75) – order here & Volume 2 ($59.95) order here
recommended MMI Software Student Edition ($200) – order it here
Order your self-study course
What will you get from that course
1. a solid understanding of the 9 Centers
2. a deep comprehension of the Not Self mind’s mechanisms through the 9 open energy hubs
3. a clear perception of relationships lying between defined Channels inside a same BodyGraph
4. a deep understanding of how Inner Authority works as opposite to outer authority
5. a glimpse into Life’s Grand Plan through the dynamics behind the unfolding of the 12 Profiles
The self-study version of Cartography brings you much comfort in terms of control in the rythm of studying. After ordering this course, you’ll receive a folder with the recordings of the lessons as separate files; you’ll be able to follow each step one by one at times you wish to study.
The Cartography course provides an enlightening information on the mysteries of a human energetic field. Life-forces, energy hubs, mandala structure, human archetypal characters, inner guidance… What precious knowledge to all frustrated, angry, bitter, disappointed beings on Earth, looking for their satisfaction, peace, success, surprises!
Register to our online course
What will you get from that course
1. a solid understanding of the 9 Centers
2. a deep comprehension of the Not Self mind’s mechanisms through the 9 open energy hubs
3. a clear perception of relationships lying between defined Channels inside a same BodyGraph
4. a deep understanding of how Inner Authority works as opposite to outer authority
5. a glimpse into Life’s Grand Plan through the dynamics behind the unfolding of the 12 Profiles
The online version of Cartography brings you the opportunity of sharing your experiences with the group of participants. After ordering this course, you will receive all information required for you to join in the course: virtual classroom address, necessary technical materials.
The Cartography course provides an enlightening information on the mysteries of a human energetic field. Life-forces, energy hubs, mandala structure, human archetypal characters, inner guidance… What precious knowledge to all frustrated, angry, bitter, disappointed beings on Earth, looking for their satisfaction, peace, success, surprises!

General Education
Understanding the BodyGraph
3 courses provide an in-depth knowledge of the HDS: Living Your Design, Rave’s ABC and Rave’s Cartography. Begin with LYD to strenghen your understanding of your Design; then go for ABC and at last, Cartography. Starting the General Education with your Foundation Readings already done by a certified Analyst is very wise! For, these courses will deepen your connection to your Strategy and Inner Authority, basis for the fulfillment of your purpose in life.
It is a great news for the worldwide HDS Community when any individual has decided to or is thinking of becoming a certified professionnal HD Analyst! A career in Human Design is both, an extraordinary personal journey and a precious opportunity for thousands of human beings to live their life in satisfaction, peace and success. offers you the best possible quality of educational growth into the knowledge and self-confidence when preparing yourself to be of service to all these beings that are connected to you. As Ra Uru Hu said, any Analyst is on a fractal line; whoever around the world is related to this analyst’s fractal line will sooner or later meet them!
Professional Training Level 1 Course (PTL1)

Learning Foundation Readings
The goal of PTL1 is to develop professional skills in analysing a HD Chart. 3 semesters are necessary to probe deep and exercise the detail level of HD: keynoting, synthesizing the BodyGraph and becoming expert in the stunning poetry of Human Design keywords.
PTL1 course content
1. Reviewing of the 64 Gates
2. Scanning of the 384 Lines of the Rave I-Ching
3. Developping on the 4 Views
4. Making use of the Rave I-Ching book
5. Exercising technical skills
6. Studying and practicing HD keywords
7. Learning the weaving of keywords into a poetry
8. Acquiring oral competence
PTL1 includes lectures, workshops, study groups and homeworks. Students and teacher meet once a week for a 1 hour online group session; study groups are created and homeworks are being given. Throughout, oral practices will be highly encouraged in order to ground your skills, increase your chart-reading capacities and empower your memorizing process.
PTL1 requires 3 semesters with a total of 200-300 hours, depending on the intensity of your dedication and your working speed. Learning to synthesize the hundreds of details on any HD Chart takes time, regularity and seriousness in the skill-acquiring process. Only practice on-and-on-and-on allows to solidify the information in your body cells. With such dedication, you will surely enjoy by the end of the course navigating into the wonderful poetry of the Human Design!
Seats are limited. Reserve yours as soon as humandesign4u broadcasts the beginning dates of its next session. Each year, a PTL1 course is being started end of September or beginning of October.
Price: 800 € per semester – installment payment accepted – please contact our office at
Pre-Requisites: Foundation Reading, LYD Course, Rave’s ABC Course, Rave’s Cartography Course
Required Materials: Rave I’Ching Book – $49.95 (order here); Rave I’Ching Line Companion – $157 (order here); Circuitry Book – $39.95 (order here); MMI Professional Edition Software $450 (order here)
Technical Material: Internet connection; headset
Register to our online course
What will you get from that course
At the end of the 3 semesters, you will be fluent in:
1. Reading any individual’s HD Chart
2. Weaving the keywords into a stunning poetry
3. Mastering the Rave I-Ching
4. Handling the technical computer online services
5. Delivering oral analysis – online or live
Please note: prerequisites are set before you may charge for your newly acquired PTL1 skills:
1. Having completed the PTL program
2. Having successfully passed the final certification exam
3. Having 3.5 years of life in Human Design (it starts at your Overview or Foundation Reading)
Professional Training Level 2

Learning Compatibility and Cycle Readings
Acquiring competences in decoding 2 HD charts connections and life-cycles imprints are the professional skills you will develop during this 2 semester course. Extensive new content and innovative spirit are keys to your future Compatibility and Life-cycle Analyst’s success.
PTL2 course content
Semester 1 – Compatibility:
1. Connection Mechanics
2. Connection (Partnership) Reading
3. Workshops
PTL2 Compatibility Readings first semester focuses its energy on providing you with the knowledge and skills to put 2 HD Charts together and examine the multiple-layered relationships between 2 individuals: partners, mother or father/child, friends,etc.
Semester 2 – Life-Cycles
1. Cycle Mechanics
2. Cycle Analysis
3. Workshops
PTL2 Life-Cycles second semester provides you with all information on how to read imprints from planetary cycles: Sun, Saturn, Uranus Opposition and Kiron when they return to the same position than in your birth HD Chart.
Price: 550 € per semester – installment payment accepted – please contact our office at
Pre-Requisites: Foundation Reading, LYD Course, Rave’s ABC Course, Rave’s Cartography Course, PTL1 Course
Required Materials: MMI Professional Edition Software $450 (order here); Cycle Analysis Digital Book $35 (order here)
Technical Material: Internet connection; headset
Register to our online course
What will you get from that course
At the end of PTL2 Course, you will be fluent in:
1. Scrutinizing the connections between 2 human beings
2. Helping partners to understand their couple life
3. Making parents aware of their conditionings on their kids
4. Explaining someone the lessons Life wants them to learn during the coming year, or cycle
5. Having your client become aware of how influential the planetary program is on their daily life
Please note: prerequisites are set before you may charge for your newly acquired PTL2 skills:
1. Having completed the PTL program
2. Having successfully passed the final certification exam
3. Having 3.5 years of life in Human Design (it starts at your Overview or Foundation Reading)
Professional Training Level 3 Course (PTL3)

Learning the Incarnation Cross Reading
PTL3 is a delightful 1 semester program! Indeed, becoming able to lift a small corner of the veil on Life’s Plan for a human being is a precious opportunity offered to any future HD Analyst reading an individual’s Incarnation Cross. This will be your great gift to them as well as Life’s gentle present to you!
PTL3 course content
1. Learning how to handle any individual’s Incarnation Cross Chart
2. Acquiring knowledge on the 4 Incarnation Quarters
3. Understanding the relationship between Profiles and Incarnation Crosses
4. Deepening Angles in the context of someone’s Incarnation Cross
5. Practicing, practicing, practicing…
PTL3 delivers really exciting knowledge on the 768 life Purposes Human Design locates within the human kind! What greater service could you think of while serving other human beings, than giving them key information on the meaning of their life? In such a service will you become talented at the end of this 1 semester course!
Price: 900 € – installment payment accepted – please contact our office at
Pre-Requisites: Foundation Reading, LYD Course, Rave’s ABC Course, Rave’s Cartography Course, PTL1 Course, PTL2 Course
Required Materials: MMI Professional Edition Software $450 (order here); The Global Incarnation Index – Incarnation Crosses $59.95 (order here)
Technical Material: Internet connection; headset
Register to our online course
What will you get from that course
At the end of PTL3 Course, you will be fluent in:
1. Decoding the information on any individual’s Incarnation Cross Chart
2. Telling your clients about their main Incarnation Quarter
3. Relating their character Profile and Incarnation Cross
4. Reasserting in their mind the vital importance of Strategy and Inner Authority
5. Boosting individual lives, as your client regain hope and clarity
Please note: prerequisites are set before you may charge for your newly acquired PTL3 skills:
1. Having completed the PTL program
2. Having successfully passed the final certification exam
3. Having 3.5 years of life in Human Design (it starts at your Overview or Foundation Reading)
Professional Training Level 4 Course (PTL4)

Final exam and Certification
Any professional training ends with a test on students acquired skills. PTL4 is the final level: getting certification that you are now capable of asking for money in return to the competent service you provided. You will submit your final Reading to the Testing Board for Certification.
PTL4 course content
PTL4 is not a course as such. It consists of mentoring sessions with a senior HD Analyst or Teacher, so you get prepared for the exam certification as best as possible. You decide the number of coaching sessions you need. Your mentor will help you honing on your interpreting skills of a Foundation Reading. Exercices on all levels – including technical – will strenghen your practice and ground your self-trust.
Remember: you are unique! No 2 HD Analysts will provide the same Reading for a given individual. By the time you reach PTL4, you will have developed your own style and structuring process – the way you put all BodyGraph information together. Mentoring sessions can also be organized with a group.
Important: the final exam consists of a 20′ pre-recorded Overview from a HD Chart you’ve chosen forehand, that you will send to the Exam Certification Board. You will then be online for questions from the Board, checking your proper understanding of Human Design.
Price: 100 € – duration: 60′ online session – repeat as many sessions you feel needing
Pre-Requisites: Foundation Reading, LYD Course, Rave’s ABC Course, Rave’s Cartography Course, PTL1 Course, PTL2 Course, PTL3 Course
Required Materials: MMI Professional Edition Software $450 (order here)
Technical Material: Internet connection; headset
Register to our online course
What will you get from these mentoring sessions
1. a deeper trust in your reading capacities
2. a chance to clear last uncertainties up before the exam.
3. a good opportunity to practice while waiting for your 3.5 year time being elapsed!
4. an ultimate guidance on the way to structure your Readings
5. an extra preparation to what is the real exam: delivering your customer their Reading
Please note: prerequisites are set before you may charge for your newly acquired PTL4 skills:
1. Having completed the PTL program
2. Having successfully passed the final certification exam
3. Having 3.5 years of life in Human Design (it starts at your Overview or Foundation Reading)

Professional Education
Mastering the Human Design poetry
There are 4 levels called “PTL” (Professional Training Level), each being a course. During these 4 courses, you will be training yourself amongst co-participants until you get the full competence over mastering the art of reading any HD Chart. Our certified HD Teacher will provide you with all material and expertise; he will support your skills development so that by the end of the whole training, you feel competent and at ease with weaving the poetry of the Design.