
The Blog of humandesign4U is just being born…

How many improvements since the launching of the site last August 2014! The level of comfort and experience it has reached so far made inconceivable not to enrich this site with a blog! Hurrah, this is now done… Long life to the dynamic, interactive and playful part of!

What a better opportunity of launching the blog than simultaneously starting the Daily Weather Forecast (DWF)!… DWF is such a powerful awakening tool! From now on and if you wish, every morning you will be able to know what forces are up for the day – these energies sent from our Sun out to impact us in a very specific way. Reading the portrait of these powerful rays is providing a deep realization of their sometimes very strong influence on your daily life; feeling how directly connected you are with the whole ecosystem…   

humandesign4U wishes even more for you! Rather than having to connect each day to the site, why not receive DWF straight into your mailbox… (check you spam tab if you don’t see it). To get this treat, subscribe now to “the Daily Weather Forecast” page; it’s easy, simple and free: your mail address will do!

humandesign4U team is so happy to constantly improve your navigation for a pleasant, enriching journey into your Human Design path of awakening! We care for your comments and questions: post your reactions as if dialoguing with friends that share with you their curiosity, focus and passion about such a great tool… Socrates reminded all of the ancient wisdom “know thyself and you will know the whole universe.” We would say “understand thyself, you will understand the whole universe.” Being aware that knowing is healing, what a better hope! For yourself first, but also for the whole planet…