Professional Training Level 2 (PTL2) online Course

SKU: hd20
HDS Professional Training Level 2
  • Online classes
  • English language
  • Duration: 60’/week for 2 semesters
  • Image and tone provided
  • Sent per email


What will you get from this Professional Training Level 2 (PTL2) online Course
At the end of PTL2 Course, you will be fluent in:
1. Scrutinizing the connections between 2 human beings
2. Helping partners to understand their couple life
3. Making parents aware of their conditionings on their kids
4. Explaining someone the lessons Life wants them to learn during the coming year, or cycle
5. Having your client become aware of how influential the planetary program is on their daily life

Please note:
Prerequisites are set before you may charge for your newly acquired skills winth the “Professional Training Level 2 (PTL2) online Course”:
1. Having completed the PTL program
2. Having successfully passed the final certification exam
3. Having 3.5 years of life in Human Design (it starts at your Overview or Foundation Reading)