Professional Training Level 1 (PTL1) online Course

SKU: hd19
HDS Professional Training Level 1
  • Online classes
  • English language
  • Duration: 60’/week for 3 semesters
  • Image and tone provided
  • Sent per email


What will you get from this Professional Training Level 1 (PTL1) online Course 
At the end of the 3 semesters, you will be fluent in:
1. Reading any individual’s HD Chart
2. Weaving the keywords into a stunning poetry
3. Mastering the Rave I-Ching
4. Handling the technical computer online services
5. Delivering oral analysis – online or live

Please note:
Prerequisites are set before you may charge for your newly acquired skills with this “Professional Training Level 1 (PTL1) online Course” :
1. Having completed the PTL program
2. Having successfully passed the final certification exam
3. Having 3.5 years of life in Human Design (it starts at your Overview or Foundation Reading)